I deserve a holiday, after long tiring thesis and suddenly got into the government office which I’ve been struggling now I feel I really need a holiday. Sebenarnya rencana untuk liburan sudah dijabani dengan matang di akhir tahun yaitu ikut overland ke Komodo dan tahun baru di Bali, sounds really great. But suddenly fate said I should go to work first, maybe I still have to earn this holiday harder than ever.
Sudah pasti saya memilih dalam negeri, karena luar negeri masih belum menarik minat saya. Indonesia Timur yang kaya akan pantai yang luar biasa indahnya menjadi magnet tersendiri, tapi sayangnya saya belum tahu harus ke mana dengan budget kurang dari lima juta. Finally, my thumbs drag me into Whatravel. A very new backpack trip for a young people and guess what.. they open a trip to Gili Trawangan Island!
For those who doesn’t know about Gili Trawangan, it is a very small island located near Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. If you go from Lombok, you can go by a very simple boat just for 30 minutes away. But in my trip I went from Bali (Padang Bay) by super fast boat for 1 hour. As a seasick person, I just couldn’t stand to open my eyes during the trip, goncangan kapal sangat keras dan sangat membuat ingin tidur. This boat was super fast until you feel like driving in a jumpy road bukannya di laut lepas. Little did I know on the way back home, the sea that we crossed melewati banyak pulau eksotis bagaikan terjatuh dari langit. Seperti film Avatar atau Jurassic Park, you name it any fictional adventure movie, the island that we cross is very beautiful and magical.

I should remind you that this trip is a Fullmoon Party Trip. Gili Trawangan is known as the party at night, especially during the Fullmoon. Beach, Music and Liquor, what else do you ask for? You know the famous Ibiza in Spain known internationally as the partiest place in world, well Indonesia have it. Locally we have Gili Trawangan where you can party everyday plus enjoy the special party in the fullmoon.
I’m amused. You know, this is my second time to Gili Trawangan. My first time was not really amusing, I only visited this island for 3 hours short, yeah that short. At that time, I promise to myself I have to go here, stay here for a long time and enjoying the party. God granted my wish couple years later. I am glad I can go here by my own saving and enjoying what I really deserve. By the way, the Gili Islands consist of three small island, Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno. I give you a hint about the specialities of each island, Gili Trawangan — for partygoers; Gili Air — for a calm soul; Gili Meno — not much information bout that.
Beautiful sand, beautiful sea, warmly nice local people and peaceful home stay make my trip is really enjoyable. There is no gas-based vehicle in this island, only bicycle and chariot. In fact we can go around this island only by bicycle, a good sport and make our eyes dreamy because of the beautiful scenery along this island. Wait until night or midnight because every night is party here! Free flow of beer, liquor and one shot drink can make you happy for a while. From Jamaican Party to Electronic and Latin Party, you can choose any bar that suit with your party taste.

While for Fullmoon Party you can go to the back of the island on 11PM until 5AM. Weed is everywhere, alcohol is your friend and happiness is in the air. For a first timer, I guess you should sleep first cause it can be very tiring to enjoy this party. Well I guess as an introvert I can enjoy this party just dance for a while, then going to the corner for a drink and observe, then dance again, repeat until I feel exhausted.
Gili Trawangan is the best place for doing nothing at day and party at night. In a day you can going around the island, island hoping to Gili Meno and Gili Air, snorkeling and enjoy the sea turtle or just lay down on the beach. My first time doing snorkeling is amazing and I had panic attacked. Used to swim in the pool make me get used to rest my feet at the bottom of the pool. At the sea, I CAN’T. I got panic cause I just can’t rest for awhile, I have to keep swimming or I drowned. It is true what Dori said, “Just keep swimming”, in order to stay alive. The sea is beautiful, sorry I don’t have any pics here, the panic attacked made me cannot do anything unless swimming and just seeing from the top.
In short, here’s the photos of Gili Trawangan: