About Me

9:09 PM


thank you visit my blog. This blog is about my life, could be personal, could be just a thought of opinion and perhaps I just want to write down my feel, my opinion and share it with you, readers.
Yes, my blog will be on Bahasa because my reader most come from Indonesia :)

I originally live in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (there, so complete. Don't ask me where is Surabaya).
But now I stay at Bogor, West Java, Indonesia for pursuing my master.

Well, now I'm in the middle of the crossroads.
Still looking for my lifetime job and lifetime partner, LOL.

I try to live my life and be very grateful with everything I have. Sometimes maybe you will read my story when I am very sad, but I promise the post that contain a happy thing is more than the sad one.
I run my blog as personal life-style blog, as a human there are too many things not to share if you just have one blog topic :D

For any purpose of collaboration or anything, you can contact me on:
email: puti.sinansari707@gmail.com
social media: @putisinansari

Hope you enjoy :)

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